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SBU detains suspected Russian informant over allegedly spying on Patriot systems.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) detained a suspected informant in Kharkiv who was passing information on Patriot air defenses in the city to Russia, the SBU said on Aug. 27.
Highly advanced U.S.-made Patriot systems play a crucial role in protecting Ukraine’s airspace, especially in areas closer to the front, like Kharkiv Oblast.
The suspect “tried to identify and transfer coordinates of the Patriot air defense systems that protect the airspace of the front-line city” to Russia, the SBU’s press service reported.
According to the statement, the suspected spy also collected information on the positions of Ukrainian forces and fortifications in the area.
The man was identified as a local driver for a grocery store chain in Kharkiv Oblast. The SBU said his job allowed him to travel around the city in a company car and record positions of Ukrainian forces.
The suspect was exposed and detained “early on” and faces up to 12 years in prison.
Ukraine operates at least four Patriot systems provided by Germany and the U.S., with several more pledged by other partners.
Although the location of these valuable systems is kept secret, there have been reports of damaged Patriot launchers following Russian attacks.
